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We take pride in delivering the highest level of attention to detail, and are known for our quality craftsmanship and reliability. We have successfully completed extensive ground up commercial and residential projects throughout the Southern California region.

We bring our unique eVocal signature touch to every project.

We take pride in delivering the highest level of attention to detail, and are known for our quality craftsmanship and reliability. We have successfully completed extensive ground up commercial and residential projects throughout the Southern California region.

We bring our unique eVocal signature

touch to every project.

Bear Flag Fish Co.

An inspired collaboration with the owner and a team he'd assembled to realize a vision. This project was literally 'built like a boat', sure to withstand the test of time.

Webbs Grainworks

Everything from wainscot wall and bar front paneling, to the custom cabinetry and booth work incorporates signature elements that bring the pallet together. 

Parakeet Cafe

Our marble stone waterfall edge  on this build is art! Also included modern clean finish cabinetry, a floating shelving system, and custom upholstered booth benches.

Wild Goose Bar

Reclaimed & salvage materials, era specific treatments and attention to detail throughout the build. Creating an old west feel that is truly authentic.

The Garden

An iconic Newport Beach development. The artistic attention to detail in this build complements the architecture that is timeless, warm and charming.

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